Different Type of Politics

There are many variations of ruling and types of politics, subtypes, and any other ideas of how a country should be controlled. In this article, we will be focusing only on the three main types which are Democracy, Oligarchy, and Autocracy. Throughout the years many have tried to develop different political systems, but scientists have said that in the essence of each of them lies one of the three mentioned.

Democracy the Voice of the People

The definition of democracy is a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives. There are 4 different types of politics: Direct Democracy, Representative democracy, Constitutional democracy, and Monitory. Without going into depth, we will explain what each of those means. The first type means that the citizens are directly involved in the government’s political movement and their vote is absolute. Next is the Representative which means that elected people among all are in charge of the country. There are quite a few sub-politics on the Representative, but we will continue with the Constitutional democracy. That means that the authority of the majority is limited by legal and institutional means so that the rights of individuals and minorities are respected. Such form is practiced in countries such as Germany, Israel, Japan, USA. The last monitory democracy has existed after WWII but not for long. It is a phase of democracy characterised by public monitoring instruments and the government holds more power than advisable. These are the 4 main types of democracy as there are many subsections, which are also interesting.

Oligarchy – the Rule of the Few

Some sources say that oligarchy has 14 different types, others say 13 and third around 15, but basically, oligarchy comes in many forms. The main are two types of Theocracy and Communism. It has some similarities to dictatorship but generally, Theocracy is a form of government, where chosen people have all the power in their hands and citizens have less than nothing to vote in the countries’ political moves. The chosen people are part of religious moves and such example is Vatican City, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and Iran. The other name for Theocracy is the Rule of God.

Communism is quite an interesting type of ruling as its definition is an economic ideology that suggests a classless society in which all property and wealth are communally owned, instead of individuals. The biggest examples for such ruling are the former Soviet Union, which proves that that method gives results and the other is China. Communism is used to destroy Capitalism as they are the exact opposites.

Autocracy – the One-Man Rule

In basic terms, Autocracy is the ruling of one man. He has all the power in his hands, such as Law System, Government, everything there is to control in one country the chosen one has it. Synonym for Autocracy is Dictatorship which is the more famous term. That type of ruling is very different and tricky as it is not commonly used, but when applied, there a few details that must be in place first. The citizen must be for that type of ruling and must think of that person as a God. Another thing is that the citizens must never think that the Dictator might be wrong, or rebel against any of his decisions. Last but not least there is no freedom of speech and all those democratic rules are no longer existing within this type of politics. Examples are North Korea with dictator Kim-Jong Un, Oman, United Arab Emirates.


To sum up, in everything that has been stated so far, there are three main types of ruling, Democracy, Oligarchy, and Autocracy. Having the essence of each one of them, one can develop a new type of ruling, but it will be recorded as a subtype of the political system under one of three mentioned. There are many countries with different types, which are successful, and many countries that are trying to develop but follow the wrong system. In other words, it is very important to have an idea, how much control do you have over the ruling of the country.